Acquiring greater levels of anything is hard!
Whether that be gaining new skills, physical health, or healing– getting better frequently requires moving into the outer edges of our comfort zone which brings discomfort in some way, shape, or form. It may mean failing often, performing at less than average, or leaning into painful internal places and moving through them. All these cause us to come face to face with our fear, lack, or struggle and often, it initially causes frustration.
However, staying at our current level when wanting more, causes a greater amount of frustration and emotional strain consistently. It is like an aching that always seems present. I think the latter is harder by far! One hard causes you to spin in dysfunction, lower levels of ability or mediocrity while never moving through something, just around it, or it ends up just medicating the frustration. The other hard moves you forward, increases skill, gives you tools in your toolbox and results in a better version of you! Choose your hard wisely!
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