October is emotional intelligence awareness month!

God has really been working on tuning me in and tuning me outward. He’s teaching me much as I continue to slow down and become more aware and present.

This month I want to ask the question are you intelligent, knowledgeable, informed and experienced at feelings/emotions, (energy in motion)?

Are we gaining knowledge and expertise on our emotions and in tune with others?

Emotions are the language of the soul – – are we fluent in its language to keep ourselves healthy and thriving, tending to good feelings, experiencing them fully, leaning into harder feelings and doing the work around processing THROUGH them. Feelings are for feeling, not stuffing, denying, blowing off. If we do we will experience a personal train wreck. Can we not only attune to ourselves this week, stay present in whatever activity we are in and notice others?

I have realized in the last few months that often times instead of being present and really entering into an activity, even something as small as washing of glass or packing a bookshelf, I am usually on to the next activity in my mind and not fully experiencing that moment. How much of life have I passed through without having lived it?

Friday I was walking in the backyard and noticed how beautiful the house was, how after 14 years I still absolutely love the house. I felt the Lord nudge me and ask, could you have drawn the back of the house from memory? I did not think I could and I felt like I was seeing it for the first time. How much enjoyment am I missing by the pace of my life, my thoughts, etc.? I spent some time in the backyard this weekend just absorbing the beauty.

This week let’s practice being present in the moment, fully experiencing and tuning into our own feelings. (I have attached a feelings wheel.) Think about when you are doing things this week like eating—are we paying attention to what we are eating or mindlessly reading the paper or watching TV? When we are with others are we sensing them and really tuning into what they need-what they are feeling? Often we push easy buttons to not feel and those easy buttons could be work, food, alcohol, busyness or a host of other activities. Again feelings are for feelings!

Let’s get intentional this month about getting more intelligent and informed about feelings and how to feel and move through and let them teach us more about ourselves and the world as we see it. Let them teach us about humanity and others, and draw us toward relationships and connection, empathy and more joy.

Scripture says in Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. That word guard means keep, watch over, observe, look at, consider, examine.  And the word heart is the inner self or the inner man. Let’s practice emotional intelligence and post any revelations along the way. Have a great week.

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