The leadership gift we all possess-The warmth of a smile.

We are always promoting the need to share our gifts, talents and abilities with others. 

The other night while sitting in a restaurant I gently smiled at a woman that looked a little uptight. I watched her body relax and a gentle peace come over her.  I love a smile-smiles connect people, total strangers even. 

Smiles say I see you, your approved of, it puts nerves to rest, makes people feel they are accepted, and warms the heart.  God has definitely blessed all of us with many strengths and abilities but we also have a small yet powerful tool that can be wielded to shift people, situations and our own feelings of happiness.  Smiling is said to produce chemicals in our bodies that produce feelings of well being.  The smile, it is a small gift we can bring to the world.  Look in people’s eyes and give them the gift of your unique smile, you never know what it is accomplishing!



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