January is always the best time to use the reflection done from the following year to set ourselves up for a better new year!  It is a great time to ask, What of the things we spent our time on produced fruit? Brought value? Which efforts did not? As we look at what we hope to accomplish this coming year, this information is treasure that informs our activities and decision making. It helps us to make room for those activities that will actually move the needle and launch us toward our goals!

One of the steps I am presently doing is sitting with my journal, last years calendar, my wealth wheel and my notebook. Actually, this year my husband and I did this activity together and will hold each other accountable sharing our progress weekly in many areas. The wealth wheel helps us look at major areas of our lives, and prompts us to assess our current reality with regard to our state.

Embracing reality is essential to setting solid goals with clarity. Once I know where I presently am, I can then define my vision clearly for where I desire to be.  A vision is a snapshot of a desired future.  I write in detail, painting a clear picture with words, a story or a movie of sorts of what I am doing, having, feeling, etc. When I can get clear on my desired future and on my present state in an area, I can map out specific activities to get me from here to there.  .  When we get clear on the actions needed to get from here to there and those actions steps land in our calendar, our chances of success go up dramatically, some say 300%.  This technique allows our brains to organize around a systematic path to there.

The number one reason I have missed the mark of achieving my goals/desires, is not slowing down long enough to really sink into what is on my plate, where do I stand currently, accurately describe where I want to go and what activities will be required to get there. Our brain needs clear paths to
organize itself and its next steps. Another deterrent that has tripped me up many times is letting the needs of others, that really are not that crucial, to keep me too busy to do what is necessary to reach my goals. This year I have had to take a hard look at what was presently on my plate and determine what I needed to stop doing to allow time for the activities that will really move the needle.

Goals become negative when they are in conflict with other things we are prioritizing. It is as if we are shooting at two targets that keep moving. It disorganizes the brain and frustrates our goals and fulfillment. What we have done in the past has gotten us where we are!  We will have to do something different to achieve greater or new goals!

Will you grab a wealth wheel with me and get clarity for your 2019?


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