What do you desire? What are you wanting to move the needle on? 

What we want will cost us something– usually time, energy, or money.  The question is are we willing to pay that price?  Paying the price to achieve your goal translates into small behaviors paid daily to get you to where you want to go.

 Another key question is how are we playing the game? Are we playing to win or are we playing not to lose?  These are two totally different motivations; one propels us forward, and one keeps us in fear.  Sometimes what we want is to avoid something rather than go toward something.

It is the difference between running from failure or doing everything we can to avoid messing up (which usually causes us to achieve less and taxes our emotional bandwidth) versus  running towards success which is a healthy movement that brings accomplishment and a more abundant mindset. 

So, are you running to or from? Are you running from gaining weight vs running toward health? Running from rejection vs running toward relationships? Energy given to avoid something is still negative energy; it is playing not to lose. Changing the paradigm helps us play to win and enjoy the journey along the way.

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