Back in Gulf Shores

As I drive into our neighborhood the devastation grieves me! Years of beautiful existence slammed to the ground by Hurricane Sally, pushed over with their roots exposed.

I taught last week on values and how that is is the root system of our company and our lives. The deeper and wider our root system, the more stable and grounded we are. We are set up to bear good fruit if our values are walked out and worthy. In Storms like these, even deeper rooted trees toppled with the standing rain – – it made the ground soft and the trees were easily pushed over by the wind.

I think that is a lot like where we find ourselves today amidst the consistent forces of challenge.  I often Emphasize character work – – deep moral value work to ward off against blowing up with our character what our competence builds. We can take lessons from the trees in nature-the ones that stood were mostly deep-rooted and protected by other structures. Such a good reminder for us to continue to nourish ourselves, rooting deeper and deeper daily and surrounding ourselves with a strong inner circle who helps us to continue in those values.

This week call or invite one of your inner circle (those people that walk alongside you strengthening and encouraging your growth and healthy development) to lunch or coffee. Ask them to meet for a visit or schedule a meeting with them. Pick a consistent time to ground yourself in God and his amazing love for you. I need to do that multiple times daily at this time. Nourish your emotions by a practice of gratitude and things that refuel which increases your emotional bandwidth to sustain the challenges that we face day in and day out.

I’m glad we are in this together. We are truly better together!

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